Prayer Meetings2024-10-17T11:51:46+02:00
Prayer Meetings

We believe that prayer is simply talking to God.

There is no magical power inherent in prayer; rather prayer indicates our dependence on God who, in response, answers with wisdom, knowledge, acts of power and so on. Jesus has called us into a sort of unequal partnership with himself (much like a strong father with very small children). We need him. We depend upon him. Therefore we need to ask him, and share with him, and confess to him, and adore him, and cry out to him. This simply, is prayer.

At Village, we provide many opportunities for us to pray together as a family:

  • Twenty minutes before each of the Sunday services

  • Monday nights at 7:30pm (where we pray especially for Revival) at the Lonehill Campus

  • Thursday mornings at 6:30am at the Bryanston Campus

  • Friday mornings at 6:30am at the Lonehill Campus

  • Times of corporate prayer during the Sunday services

  • Home fellowship groups

  • Special church prayer meetings

We encourage you to take part in any of our corporate prayers, but if you want more info, please contact the church office on 011 465 1873, email or send us your details below:

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